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Ollie Jones Music Official
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Here you can listen to previews of all tracks by Ollie Jones, past, present and upcoming!
New song ideas!
{"songs":[{"title":"Cinematic", "file":"https://files.cdn-files-a.com/uploads/2779132/normal_67419cf665549.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":"""", "image":""}]}
Single: January 2025
{"songs":[{"title":"Enigma", "file":"https://files.cdn-files-a.com/uploads/2779132/normal_677e8e0c53a0b.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"", "cartUrl":"https://ditto.fm/enigma-ollie-jones", "more_info":"""", "image":"https://files.cdn-files-a.com/uploads/2779132/100_677e8ea15a3dd.jpg"}]}
Frozen in Time: Vol. 1
Album - December 2023
{"songs":[{"title":"Intro - Frozen in Time", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/2779132/normal_649d5381df9ee.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":"""", "image":"https://images.cdn-files-a.com/uploads/2779132/100_649d539829222.jpg"},{"title":"Journey", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/2779132/normal_649d55d8a97f4.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":"""", "image":"https://images.cdn-files-a.com/uploads/2779132/100_649d5426559c8.jpg"},{"title":"Stills", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/2779132/normal_649d580662363.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":"""", "image":"https://images.cdn-files-a.com/uploads/2779132/100_649d57efa035a.jpg"},{"title":"Flowing", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/2779132/normal_649d58821a68a.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":"""", "image":"https://images.cdn-files-a.com/uploads/2779132/100_649d586aa2f6b.jpg"},{"title":"Interlude I", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/2779132/normal_649d58cc6f2eb.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":"""", "image":"https://images.cdn-files-a.com/uploads/2779132/100_649d58b7a03b0.jpg"},{"title":"Distance I", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/2779132/normal_649d592207dba.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":"""", "image":"https://images.cdn-files-a.com/uploads/2779132/100_649d590c5e5dc.jpg"}]}
Single - June 2022
{"songs":[{"title":"Timeless", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/2779132/normal_629c6104abbb0.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/timeless/timeless", "cartUrl":"https://ditto.fm/timeless-ollie-jones", "more_info":""Timeless is a blend of classical and electronic music influenced by composers such as Niklas Paschburg. This unique blend is what makes this track sound contemporary, whilst still retaining the classical grounding."", "image":""}]}
4 tracks - April 2020
{"songs":[{"title":"Images", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/2779132/normal_61bc6e177926f.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/images/images", "cartUrl":"https://ditto.fm/images-ollie-jones-matthew-jones", "more_info":""Images was the first track in my first album, "Images" released in April 2020. During the time of composing and recording, I was in pain with aggressive arthritis in my hip, which was cured by a total hip replacement in October 2019. This album depicts the highs and lows of my life with pain and recovery."", "image":""},{"title":"Shadows", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/2779132/normal_61bc70b3d86e5.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/images/shadows", "cartUrl":"https://ditto.fm/images-ollie-jones-matthew-jones", "more_info":""Shadows was the second track in my first album, "Images" released in April 2020. During the time of composing and recording, I was in pain with aggressive arthritis in my hip, which was cured by a total hip replacement in October 2019. This album depicts the highs and lows of my life with pain and recovery."", "image":""},{"title":"Reflection", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/2779132/normal_61bc73780d807.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/images/reflection", "cartUrl":"https://ditto.fm/images-ollie-jones-matthew-jones", "more_info":""Reflection was the third track in my first album , "Images" released in April 2020. During the time of composing and recording, I was in pain with aggressive arthritis in my hip, which was cured by a total hip replacement in October 2019. This album depicts the highs and lows of my life with pain and recovery."", "image":""},{"title":"Light", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/2779132/normal_61bc73f32b6ca.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/images/light", "cartUrl":"https://ditto.fm/images-ollie-jones-matthew-jones", "more_info":""Light was the last track in my first album, "Images" released in April 2020. During the time of composing and recording, I was in pain with aggressive arthritis in my hip, which was cured by a total hip replacement in October 2019. This album depicts the highs and lows of my life with pain and recovery."", "image":""}]}
5 tracks - August 2020
{"songs":[{"title":"Flight", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/2779132/normal_61bc7549ddb4b.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/flight/flight", "cartUrl":"https://ditto.fm/flight-ollie-jones", "more_info":""Flight is the first piece in the album "Flight" by Oliver Jones. The idea for the album was first created by composing a simple, four bar melody, which then went on to become the bedding for each piece. Each track cleverly incorporates this melody within its body."", "image":""},{"title":"The Sky Prelude", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/2779132/normal_61bc758f8d829.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/flight/the-sky-prelude", "cartUrl":"https://ditto.fm/flight-ollie-jones", "more_info":""The Sky Prelude is the second piece in the album "Flight" by Oliver Jones. The idea for the album was first created by composing a simple, four bar melody, which then went on to become the bedding for each piece. Each track cleverly incorporates this melody within its body."", "image":""},{"title":"The Phoenix", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/2779132/normal_61bc760683d1f.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/flight/the-phoenix", "cartUrl":"https://ditto.fm/flight-ollie-jones", "more_info":""The Phoenix is the third piece in the album "Flight" by Oliver Jones. The idea for the album was first created by composing a simple, four bar melody, which then went on to become the bedding for each piece. Each track cleverly incorporates this melody within its body."", "image":""},{"title":"Home", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/2779132/normal_61bc7665c3784.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/flight/home", "cartUrl":"https://ditto.fm/flight-ollie-jones", "more_info":""Home is the fourth piece in the album "Flight" by Oliver Jones. The idea for the album was first created by composing a simple, four bar melody, which then went on to become the bedding for each piece. Each track cleverly incorporates this melody within its body."", "image":""},{"title":"The Wind", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/2779132/normal_61bc76bd0c5bf.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/flight/the-wind", "cartUrl":"https://ditto.fm/flight-ollie-jones", "more_info":""The Wind is the final piece in the album "Flight" by Oliver Jones. The idea for the album was first created by composing a simple, four bar melody, which then went on to become the bedding for each piece. Each track cleverly incorporates this melody within its body."", "image":""}]}
The Cellist
3 tracks - December 2020
{"songs":[{"title":"The Cellist", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/2779132/normal_61bc77a42b046.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/the-cellist/the-cellist", "cartUrl":"https://ditto.fm/the-cellist", "more_info":""The Cellist is the first track part of the album "The Cellist" by Ollie Jones"", "image":""},{"title":"Immergere", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/2779132/normal_61bc77f9b02f1.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/the-cellist/immergere", "cartUrl":"https://ditto.fm/the-cellist", "more_info":""Immergere is the second track part of the album "The Cellist" by Ollie Jones"", "image":""},{"title":"The Clock", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/2779132/normal_61bc7843c8329.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/the-cellist/the-clock", "cartUrl":"https://ditto.fm/the-cellist", "more_info":""The Clock is the final track part of the album "The Cellist" by Ollie Jones"", "image":""}]}
The Pianist
5 tracks - April 2021
{"songs":[{"title":"Concept (Remastered)", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/2779132/normal_61bc796ae83fa.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/the-pianist/concept-remastered", "cartUrl":"https://ditto.fm/the-pianist", "more_info":"""Concept" is a song that was released as a single, before "The Pianist" was released. It was then remastered for the album release. It incorporates everything, from Ludovico Einaudi and Hans Zimmer through to Philip Glass and more, and for the non-musicians out there, similar to film and TV music. It uses three notes in the chorus passages which create a minimalist melody on top of long bass lines."", "image":""},{"title":"Horizons", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/2779132/normal_61bc79d552185.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/the-pianist/horizons", "cartUrl":"https://ditto.fm/the-pianist", "more_info":""Horizons is track which takes Oliver's minimalist genre a different way. Using percussion produced by his Collab artist Roo Chance, he combines these to make a more passionate and broad sound."", "image":""},{"title":"Streams", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/2779132/normal_61bc7a3fc9f0f.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/the-pianist/streams", "cartUrl":"https://ditto.fm/the-pianist", "more_info":""Using lots of repeated chunks of music, Streams takes a very minimalist form, but this effective piecing together of music creates a wholesome track, that evokes unique emotions when listened..."", "image":""},{"title":"Riverflow", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/2779132/normal_61bc7ac1cd408.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/the-pianist/riverflow", "cartUrl":"https://ditto.fm/the-pianist", "more_info":""Riverflow is a solo piano track, which is based around one 4-5 note melody that is used throughout. It is perhaps one of the most minimalist of the whole album..."", "image":""},{"title":"Motion", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/2779132/normal_61bc7b2daa71a.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/the-pianist/motion", "cartUrl":"https://ditto.fm/the-pianist", "more_info":"""Motion" takes Oliver's genre in a whole new direction. Using classical and piano and synthesisers creates a genre known as neoclassical, which is akin to the likes of Hans Zimmer and other film music composers."", "image":""}]}
The Moonlight Suite
6 tracks - November 2021
{"songs":[{"title":"Nightfall", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/2779132/normal_61bc7ca98fc54.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/the-moonlight-suite-1/nightfall", "cartUrl":"https://ditto.fm/the-moonlight-suite_e167b243ef", "more_info":"""The Moonlight Suite" is an album depicting a moon rise over a bay in Cornwall. "Nightfall" portrays the image of temporary darkness when the sun has set and the moon has not yet risen..."", "image":""},{"title":"Moonrise", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/2779132/normal_61bc7d12710ff.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/the-moonlight-suite-1/moonrise", "cartUrl":"https://ditto.fm/the-moonlight-suite_e167b243ef", "more_info":"""The Moonlight Suite" is an album depicting a moon rise over a bay in Cornwall. This song depicts the slow rise of the moon, over the ocean."", "image":""},{"title":"The Moon", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/2779132/normal_61bc7e8232941.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/the-moonlight-suite-1/the-moon", "cartUrl":"https://ditto.fm/the-moonlight-suite_e167b243ef", "more_info":"""The Moonlight Suite" is an album depicting a moon rise over a bay in Cornwall. "The Moon" depicts the full moon as it changes colour, gets partially covered by clouds, and the overwhelming emotions that come with seeing it."", "image":""},{"title":"Flicker", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/2779132/normal_61bc7ee12261e.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/the-moonlight-suite-1/flicker", "cartUrl":"https://ditto.fm/the-moonlight-suite_e167b243ef", "more_info":"""The Moonlight Suite" is an album depicting a moon rise over a bay in Cornwall. "Flicker" describes the dim, but recognisable lights on the coast, and how they reflect off of the calm water."", "image":""},{"title":"Blurred Horizon", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/2779132/normal_61bc7f45d52b7.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/the-moonlight-suite-1/blurred-horizon", "cartUrl":"https://ditto.fm/the-moonlight-suite_e167b243ef", "more_info":"""The Moonlight Suite" is an album depicting a moon rise over a bay in Cornwall. Perhaps the most simple track of the album, "Blurred Horizon" is portraying the fog shimmering at the horizon, whilst the light reflects off it."", "image":""},{"title":"Glowing", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/2779132/normal_61bc7f8ddc3cd.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/the-moonlight-suite-1/glowing", "cartUrl":"https://ditto.fm/the-moonlight-suite_e167b243ef", "more_info":"""The Moonlight Suite" is an album depicting a moon rise over a bay in Cornwall. "Glowing" portrays the sheen of moonlight through the clouds, whilst reflecting off the sea."", "image":""}]}
Scarborough Fair
Single - January 2022
{"songs":[{"title":""Ollie Jones | Remix" - Scarborough Fair", "file":"https://static.s123-cdn-static-d.com/uploads/2779132/normal_61bf20694a912.mp3", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/scarborough-fair/scarborough-fair", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Scarborough Fair has been a well know folk tune for decades. Many artists (pop, rock, classical) have had their own take on the harmonies and all of them are gorgeous! I was influenced by Simon and Garfunkel's version of the tune, and was compelled to write my own, contemporary classical take on the classic tune. I used electronic sounds in places to give it its contemporary feel, and classical, solo piano for other parts."", "image":""}]}